Account has been archived in Xero
When a Xero account mapped in Crossbeam is archived or removed from in Xero Crossbeam will not be able to post an invoice.
To fix this you can either unarchive the account or update your account mappings to use a different account.
To unarchive an account
- Log in to your Xero account
- From the top menu select Accounting, then Chart of accounts.
- Click the Archive tab to show archived accounts.
- Click on the archived account

- Click Restore to unarchive the account.
To map a different account
- In Crossbeam, click Account settings from the top menu
- Click Account mappings
- Find the mapping that is using the archived account and change it to another account.
- Click Save
Contact has been archived in Xero
Archiving the “Commerce Cloud Sales” contact in Xero will prevent Crossbeam from posting an invoice to Xero.