Posting invoices automatically

Crossbeam can post payouts as invoices (or credit notes) automatically.

When enabled this feature will run nightly and post any available payouts to your Xero account.

This feature is off by default but can enabled from your account settings.

For automatic posting to run you must have connected your Xero account and mapped revenue accounts.

To enable automatic posting

  1. Choose Account settings from the top navigation bar.
  2. From the Xero connection section tap the checkbox to enable auto posting. (If you have not setup a Xero connection the checkbox will not appear.)

Once enabled automatic posting will run the following day.

Only payouts dated after auto posting is enabled will be posted.

To prevent duplicate or large volumes of invoices being created right after automatic posting is enabled only payouts dated after enabling will be automatically posted.

For example, if you enable auto posting on May 23rd, payouts ending on May 23 and later will be posted. A payout for the period May 22nd will not be posted automatically (but can still be posted manually).